Valencia Summit Facilities

Valencia Summit facilities are open on a limited schedule with the following restrictions:

  1. Each time slot may only be reserved by a single residence.
  2. Each reservation is for 1 hour.

Please log in or sign up to reserve a time.

Valencia Summit Racquet Court Rules

Adopted September 29, 2022
  • Hours of operation are posted on the gates.
  • Courts are for the enjoyment of all residents and guests during the hours of operation posted.
  • Only three (3) guests per member are allowed and must be always accompanied.
  • Only racquet sports are allowed to be played.
  • Wheeled items including, but not limited to roller skates, bicycles, skateboards are prohibited.
  • Pets, glass containers and food are prohibited on the courts.
  • Proper court shoes are required. No black soled or street shoes are permitted.
  • All participants must behave in a respectful manner and observe common rules of sportsmanship.
  • Members are subject to the Valencia Summit Rules Enforcement Policy and recreational privileges may be suspended for any violation.
  • When others are waiting, and no reservation exists:
    • In match play players may complete the current set in progress.
    • All other games are allowed 30 minutes to complete.
    • Warm up shall not exceed 5 minutes.
    • Persons waiting must remain at the facility.
  • Reservation of Courts:
    • Courts may be reserved online in advance for 1 hour at a time, not to exceed 2 consecutive hours.
    • Reservations are forfeited if the group is not ready to play 10 minutes after the start time.
    • Reservations may be extended 15 minutes prior to the expiration if no other group is waiting.
    • Time limitations apply to all members in the same group regardless of who made the reservation.
    • Groups may request in writing from the Board for specific days and times to hold regular scheduled meetups. All members are allowed to attend and play the chosen sport. Request should include:
      1. Member or members responsible as organizers.
      2. Day of week or date and time requested to hold.
      3. Racquet sport to be played.
  • Third parties giving tennis lessons at the Association's recreational facilities must:
    • Provide proof of liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000.00
    • A certificate of insurance naming the Association as an additional insured.

Arroyo Park Tennis Court 1

Day Opens Closes
Every Day 7:00 AM 10:00 PM

Arroyo Park Tennis Court 2

Day Opens Closes
Every Day 7:00 AM 10:00 PM

Goldcrest Tennis Court 1

Day Opens Closes
Every Day 7:00 AM 10:00 PM

Goldcrest Tennis Court 2

Day Opens Closes
Every Day 7:00 AM 10:00 PM